Publications in Media

Five ground rules. How western companies make employees happy
"Openly about Russian management. One of the highest-paid HR-directors in the Urals on why super-motivated staff in foreign companies so often appear. And in ours - very seldom...". Read on the magazine's website

Деловой квартал DK.RU
Corporate training is a tool to influence the labor market.
"The corporate educational project "The Future of White Metallurgy" has been operating at Pervouralsk New Pipe Works (PNPW, part of Сhelyabinsk pipe rolling plant Group) for more than six years. Are there any assessments of the effectiveness of the project...?". Read on the magazine's website

Cancellation of the second free lunch may cause outrage
"I think Russian company leaders are not yet ready to use this method qualitatively, as there are seldom leaders who are able to set a clear, smart goal, give feedback and evaluate an employee according to previously agreed criteria...". Read on the magazine's website

Управление персоналом
Culture eats strategy for breakfast
"A corporate system is a system of formal and informal rules, customs, traditions and styles of behavior. The bearers of the corporate culture are the company's employees, and primarily - the owners and managers...". Read on the magazine's website

Управление персоналом
HR Director of the Сhelyabinsk pipe rolling plant (ChTPZ) Group S.Kuzminykh: "Now we don't need to look for personnel all over Russia"
"Svetlana Kuzminykh, HR Director of the ChTPZ Group, in an interview with Interfax-Ural told about how best practices are applied in training personnel for the metallurgical industry and the prospects for its development....". Read on the magazine's website

"Our main enemy is habit." How Сhelyabinsk pipe rolling plant (ChTPZ) is breaking down stereotypes about working professions.
"In order to change attitudes to "dirty" steel production and raise a new generation of workers, ChTPZ management has introduced the concept of "white metallurgy" into corporate life. Read on the magazine's website

Neo HR
Paris, Moscow
© Kuzminykh Svetlana